Cubic Cookies from Chiayi


The pride of Chiayi; TK Food Cubic Pastry; “Taiwan Native Flavor”. The western style tourist oriented campaign; packaging and presentation of the same wheat cracker (unfortunately with palm oil) I got from the old lady on Shanghai Street earlier in the week; in a unique tan paper box with a cartoon of a ah-ma farmer crossing that Bajiang River pedestrian bridge on a bike, a school girl reading a book, and a mail carrier about to fly a paper plane; the peanut butter buckwheat is amazing!

I couldn't find the store on GPS though I rode up and down the street. Finally I stopped into a corner restaurant to ask for directions. The owner lady brought me outside and pointed down the street with a 'why would you want to go there' look. I told her the cookies were famous and she shrugged her shoulders. 

When I asked if she had made the cookies herself she said yes, and perhaps she did, but the cookies that TK Food turned into a Chiayi landmark treat awe more to packaging and new flavors, though the basics are the same. Who knows? Maybe the old lady had her recipe lifted like Elaine did the Soup Nazi's recipes from the chest of drawers 



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Chiayi University School of Foreign Languages